Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Why disturb me ?????

Human beings.... the craziest creation of God.... me thinks... for they come in different avatars and unlike animal kind... they are different in all kinds.... be it nature, sharing love among family members, treating members of the same family, treating the people they love and they hate... etc. I come from a family that disturbs not the peace of others and knows nothing but helping hands and spreading love. I am a jolly person and was not aware of pain and worries until post marriage. The elders of the family that i stepped in, were advising us as newly married and soon this continued even after years of knowing how to behave in the family.

I conceived my angel very late.. after nearly 5 years of marriage and was happy with the way things were moving... until they started warning me everytime, of the eclipse close to my delivery date. This worried me throughout my pregnancy for we believe that a pregnant woman should listen to good music, hear good things, read good stories and talk good too, as otherwise she might pass on the bad vibrations to the foetus. Everytime i had to call them, they would enquire about their son and his well being.. finally minutes before ending the call they would ask as to where i am... at their son's place or my parents'.... and at last comes about enquiring my health. This sometimes even put my husband in a fix, but he did not dare to tell his parents not to bother me with the usual routine of questions.... months passed on and finally my lovely daughter arrived on a saturday evening at 05:59 hours....the time the we usually light traditional oil lamps at home every day.

Everyone in the family was excited and happy as i was able to bring in Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth, with the birth of my daughter. This happiness lasted only a few minutes as days after her birth, people started comparing her (the only girl child in the family) with other grand children. This i did not like and as early as she was 10 days old, this difference of showering love started becoming evident. My husband and i know that the baby will be born with some trouble as predicted in the pregnancy tests and were prepared to face even the worst...not knowing that i am putting my little one in trouble. My daughter had difficulty suckling and this was worrying us... we took her to some peadiatricians who asked us to wait for a few days for her to learn this.... it was our bad time that they did not diagnose the danger earlier itself.... finally my tolerance level gave up when my inlaws cursed that my daughter would not survive at all... at 40 days of birth.....

Still those words ring in my ears for they have come true.... now my daughter is not alive to live in this troubled world... i am leading a life in the memories of my beloved angel... i stopped interacting with people who were worrying me earlier .... slowly i distanced myself and made my point clear to my husband that i need calmness and not disturbance... after so much happening in life in the past 10 years of marriage, i had the courage to put my foot down on certain things. This courage was given to me by my daughter, who is there to support me in all my odds. I told him strictly not to convey anything about me to his family members, nor did i want them to enquire about me to him. Two years passed this way... then started coming the intrusions and advice again....

With some unexpected incidents, they sent a messenger a few months back to look into the situation... i gave them back what they deserved.... now with a new life growing inside me.... they want to patch things up..... but i do not want them in any way.... be it physical or mental support... i would feel better if they stop disturbing me and my child... i would be at peace if they stop bothering me with their so called advice .....i am content with the "HELP" already received from them...... i am totally unhappy with the way my husband is letting them know my develpments... i have earlier warned him .... yes warned him not to do so.... i still have no idea as to why he continues to do so...i find his actions strange nowadays...

whether they are for good ???????????? only my angel has to assure me of that ....

For a person like me who would not give others suggestions or advice... a person who can only listen to others troubles...... who never ever intended to poke my nose in others' affairs... why should everyone jump in, to give advice... my only expectation is that the opponent behaves to me in the manner i behave with them.... if i am good, be good to me... if  i am bad, be bad to me.... simple.

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